Laser Root Canal Therapy
When the tissue inside a tooth has become infected, root canal treatment may be needed to save the tooth and prevent the infection from spreading to other parts of the tooth or jaw. The procedure involves removing the infected tissue, cleaning the canal, and then sealing it off.
Most people don’t exactly jump for joy at the thought of having a root canal. Traditional root canal therapy uses drills to remove infected tissue and strong chemicals, such as bleach, to disinfect the canal.
Today root canal treatment can be far gentler, faster and more accurate. If you have a dentist like Dr. Alidadi, who stays on top of cutting-edge technology, then you are in luck.
What is laser root canal therapy?
Since the early seventies, laser technology in dentistry has made great strides. Advances in fiber optics have resulted in lasers that are thinner, yet more durable, and more precise than their predecessors. Studies have shown that these lasers can eliminate bacteria that could not be reached using traditional methods.
The Waterlase® system
Dr. Alidadi uses the FDA-approved Waterlase® laser. Unlike the drill, Waterlase does not apply heat, vibration, or pressure—the things that can cause bruising and trauma in traditional root canal treatment. This makes the procedure gentler, faster, and more accurate, and reduces healing time. Dr. Alidadi can usually provide root canal therapy in a single visit.
Do I need a root canal?
Over 15 million Americans a year receive root canal treatment. Here are some signs indicating that you may need a root canal.
- mild to severe tooth pain
- sensitivity to cold or heat
- swelling of the gums
- pain when chewing or putting pressure on a tooth
- pain radiating out from the tooth to the jaw, head, ear, etc.
As some people do not experience these symptoms, regular checkups are vital to preserving your teeth. Make an appointment with Dr. Alidadi. She will do a thorough examination to determine whether you need root canal therapy.
Call 914‑290‑5524 or click here to request an appointment online.